Question: Do I Have to Reimburse 51 Cents Per Mile for Mileage for My Staff Driving Their Own Vehicles? I am a company in California and an employee told me the other day that the $.25/mile we were paying them was against the law and I have to pay the $.51/mile that the IRS states on their website h
Did you hear the screams? The screams of business owners around the world wrapping up their year end financials anxious to see their big successes on paper, only to find out that their estimates were way, wayyyyyy off. It’s funny, nothing has really changed in the money or success department by you
2011 is your year! Tired of just reaching for survival? Do you want a real game plan for doubling your business in just 5 easy steps? Increase your salary, eliminate your cash flow headaches, and have enough money to attract great staff through this simple game plan. No pie in the sky theory, just c
Coffee Talk #9 “Cruise Questions Answered – Shore Excursions and More” by Guest Speaker, Craig Satterfield with SureCruise, as part of Renee O’Brien’s and Debbie Sardone’s Countdown to the Cruise. These 30 minute mini-workshops a
Coffee Talk #8 “Sending the Right Message – Marketing the Benefits” by Debbie Sardoen, as part of Renee O’Brien’s and Debbie Sardone’s Countdown to the Cruise. These 30 minute mini-workshops are free and you can sign up for the f
Coffee Talk #7 “Money, Debt and Profit” by Renee O’Brien, as part of Renee O’Brien’s and Debbie Sardone’s Countdown to the Cruise. These 30 minute mini-workshops are free and you can sign up for the future ones at http://www.surv
Coffee Talk #6 “Travelling on a Dime?” by Debbie Sardone, as part of Renee O’Brien’s and Debbie Sardone’s Countdown to the Cruise. These 30 minute mini-workshops are free and you can sign up for the future ones at http://www.surveymonk
Coffee Talk #5 “How Do Your Sales Measure Up?” by Renee O’Brien, as part of Renee O’Brien’s and Debbie Sardone’s Countdown to the Cruise. These 30 minute mini-workshops are free and you can sign up for the future ones at http://w
5 Facts You Should Know about Social Networking Sites At this point we’ve all heard about Facebook and Twitter and all the other social networking websites out there. But aren’t they for all those youngsters that are strangely comfortable making and expanding their friendships over the i
What is the big deal about headlines? After all, aren’t they just a title for your ad? Headlines are so much more. They introduce your company and your product or service. Can you really afford to lose your target marketing from the first moment? Whether you are taking out a full page advertis