Congratulations Mechelle Fain of You’ve Got it Maid in Oklahoma for your spotlight news article in the Oklahoman paper on Wednesday! Being highlighted as a small business success can give you very good positioning, and good leads. I guess so since this was Mechelle’s email to me this morning: “We made the paper — and I have had several calls already!”
Why I brought this up in this Issue is that now is the time for you to be getting your spring cleaning, earth day, green cleaning, and get organized for spring articles out. Editors will be searching now for filler for their upcoming spring home editions, so get on it!
If you want your press releases to be accepted with open arms and not squirreling fists then follow then avoid these press release No-No’s and make them say “Yes” all the way to the bank!
1. Don’t have your press release read like a resume. They want stories of human interest and different angles, not a sales pitch.
2. Don’t submit a story angle to a publication that you just read about in publication earlier. Stuff that’s old is not “news”, so you will need to be innovative at least with your spin.
3. Don’t forget to check out who the best editors in your local publications are, and contact them to build a relationship and see what kinds of stories they need.
4. Don’t stop at just one article. Use that article or refer to it in your other marketing like newsletters, tip sheets, link to it on your blog, audio recordings, web site, and other media. And, of course, multiple press on different topics is always good.
5. Don’t use other people’s content. Editors are not going to take kindly to plagiarized materials; and remember that just because you found something on the web does not mean that you can go ahead and use it.
6. Don’t forget to make the story enticing by including photos, quotes from clients or resources. They may not use your actual photos, but seeing what’s possible may send a photographer out.
7. Don’t neglect double checking your contact information. What a bummer to get a 1000 eyes reading about you, only for them to call wrong number.
8. Don’t forget to have fun. Yes, lots of your releases may not get picked up, but it sure is fun when they do.