You Think You Are Doing Everything Right, So Why Are Employees Bee Lining For The Door? Contests, Prizes, Gifts…And Still Your Staff are Leaving
You’ve tried everything – contests, incentive programs and employee appreciation days, yet you’re still losing employees faster than you can hire them. Sometimes just by switching up one or two things can get the gum out of the works and get things moving again. Try giving one of these 4 steps a try!
1. Measure the problem –
Take a look at your current staff. How many people have left in the last 6 months? How long did they stay on for? Is there a trend in when employees are leaving? This is all really important data that you can use to find out the “why”.
2. What’s worked for you in the past –
Look at your current employees, who has been there the longest? Who likes their job? Ask these individuals why they enjoy their jobs and replicate their experiences.
3. What’s your competition doing – Are you being outdone in specific areas by your competitors? Are you not paying enough? Are other entry level jobs such as cashiers, retail associates, fast food workers or baristas making more an hour than what you are paying? Are you creating positions for your employees that you would want to work at yourself? If the answer is no, than you will need to make some changes.
4. Assess your full program – Sometimes looking at the whole package is needed to get a clear idea of where the break down is. Click here to take our assessment quiz and see where your company shines and where it could use some work.