Have you heard? Fox News and the Comedy Channel have announced that Bill O’Reilly and Stephen Colbert will trade appearances on their respective shows. These are very unlikely co-stars due to the controversial nature of their two opposing shows. Bill O’Reilly is known for his #1 top-rated, generally seen as conservative cable news show “the Factor”. Stephen Colbert in his faux news spoof “The Colbert Report”, portrays a character of a self-involved talk-show host, often mocking or poking fun at “the Factor”.
So, why would these polar opposites agree to do a show together? Well aside from lots of guaranteed giggles from their audiences…controversy sells! In this age of millions of news, media, email, text, and internet messages being blasted in front of you everyday, boring is just not going to get anyone’s attention.
In the same vein if you want to attract interest, and create a buzz about your business, BORING is not going to cut it for you either. Your customers need something to hang onto. “Licensed, Bonded and Insured Company with a Quality Service that Saves You Time”… that headline could describe any business in the country, and frankly doesn’t grab my attention. Instead, what about the following. “Kick Me Out Of Your House, If I Can’t Get Your House Cleaned Better Than It’s Ever Been Done Before!” It’s bold and controversial, and definitely gets my attention. So when it comes to your marketing, and especially when trying to get in the press, play with this idea, and make your business stand out.
Business Buzz = Bold, not Boring
Footnote: For pure entertainment, be sure to set your Tivo to “The Colbert Report” and “The Factor” on January 18th.