HAPPY NEW YEAR! I Love this time of year! Yes, I know I am a strange duck. Much more than ripping into a pile of presents, I enjoy ripping into a messy closet or garage, and making sense of the chaos; Creating systems for the running of my family household until they plead for mercy; And, conjuring up new dreams and plans for business is really my favorite. It’s a clean slate. The sky’s the limit. So, join me in dreaming big and make some real change in your business this year.
What will it be? Add $50,000 to your personal annual salary? It’s not really that far out of the ballpark. If your average recurring customer delivers you $2500 in annual revenue, and 30% net, then you only need 67 additional customers to achieve that goal. How can you get them? How about a quick internet pay per click campaign, a well targeted direct mail letter, a well aligned affiliate program? You can do it if you decide to. Don’t let anything get in your way, and think of a creative way to get it done.
One of my clients, Paula Caron from North Lakes Cleaning in Minnesota started a newsletter from the SharpChip Cash Cow Marketing Kit that I sell. She chose the 4 page color which makes a great impact, but can be pricey to print. Paula did not let lack of seed money get in the way of getting her newsletter out. No, she sold business card size ads to the people in her BNI group! What a smarty! The ad sales can cover the printing and shipping costs, the response from her mailing list was overwhelming, and potentially the ad sponsors may want to send some copies to their lists as well.
So, think out of the box and make big dreams for 2007. You have 365 days ahead of you. Don’t let yourself believe that you don’t have time to make real change. If you spent only 15 minutes a day on making real change in your business this year, that is over 91 hours, or nearly 2 ½ work weeks to spend on really changing the results you will get in 2007. That’s plenty of time.
There are three things that you need to do in order to make your 2007 dreams a reality. Skip one of these and your risk your dream staying just that…a dream. Don’t take a chance, put the wheels in motion
1. Make a decision today on what your measureable goal is.
2. Write your goal down in as one big goal, an d then break it out into little steps. Put deadlines on the steps and tell someone else about the deadlines so that you will be accountable.
3. Don’t let anything stand in your way of achieving your goal. If you encounter hurdles along the way, say to yourself “for every problem there is a solution”, and get creative on how to solve it.